Wednesday 16 April 2008

The yong burks naff it

I doubt it is a conspiracy -more a meeting of idiocies.
What is the case is that it is clear that tories and liberals (those trimming lawyers of the election process) are running is a pack. i mean here, that given their leader are near enough identical. Both are over confident and over promoted 'young' and 'hansom' men (in politics youth or being not bald or fat is one and the same as being hansom), it then makes sense for then to operate together. if one then the other can both go on the media a supporting each other attacks (on the economy or crime) then the contrast with the current 'overblown' encombant of No 10 is clear enough (and does not need stating). it is an old lesson, that youth hunts age in packs. our trouble on the left is of course what one does about it/ that is what one does when the junior member of our own pack has left us for another young man...

for more of the same go

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