Tuesday 29 April 2008

Get a grip

you know what the real problem of the London Olmypic nonesense is? the fact that the planners (if that is what they are) have been placed in a structure that simply stops them seeing the consequences of their own actions. I mean to them 9.3 Billion or 11.8 billion pounds spent is very little different.
you try telling that to the theater groups up and own the country whose funding is being cut in the Olmypic squeeze. You tell that to the sports organization whose funding has gone. You tell that to those who have to look after heritage monument...
Their looseness will have very considerable 'extra costs' elsewhere- where the squeeze is really felt.
A fact that the very structure of the bid seems to have hidden from the bungling greedy sanctimonous fools who are responsible for it...

for more of the same go

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