Wednesday 23 April 2008


It is a blending thing I guess. One of the really scary things about modernity it its botchedness. I mean take, a story about less boys (ignore the effects of Chemicals), and look at the correlation between Boy and high energy (and so often high Chemical ) foods, and the number of Boys, and all of a sudden boys become assoicated with high energy diet. The story then becomes a biological truism, and Bingo Henry vIII was right to expect his hight status wife to produce men - why else did he feed them? Be are mediveal again!

or again take a french prejudice against the English, and a Muslim loathing of the excessive Christainization of the global culture (calendar, ect), and yo get the demand the the Muslims follow their own time system (not based on GMT). A demand which of course then flies in the face of globalization: which was possibly the point!

That is to Globalize is also to botch, or to pitch what is bothced against the very process in which it was created....What a fun place the world is!

for more of the same go

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