Saturday, 9 February 2008

Still hen pecked

I suppose one might put the sate of British politics down to the effect of hilarious custom.
I mean it was Browns fate for ten years to be hen pecked by a smart alec fool, who was less able at governing that him, but better at the drama of power. We all got used to these roles (and Blair of course played up to his part with aplomb). Brown then became prime minster, only to discover that while he could govern with a certain macabre efficiently enough he was utterly hopeless at the drama of power (no drama queen he).We then looked to others to play the senior role; and of course found them in Cameron and Clegg. there to god-brother of the awful, and devil sons of Blair, are drama queens par excellence.
  The effect is that Brown has swapped being the henpecked spouse of Blair (who was at least in his own party) for being the harrassed and hen pecked helpmeet of the leader of the oppostion.
More fool him!

for more of the same go

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