Friday, 15 February 2008

Baby oil politics

Why have believes when being slippery is as good as a policy?
 A good question. Baby oil-Cameron is clearly a good substitute for the far more stodgy, but actually good for you Cod Liver oil-Brown.
Or a least it would be is it brand had not been tried before...
 The next election will eventually come down to a battle of memory, as much as oil. On the one hand is the world of baby oil. A world were slippery customers slip out of policies. The choice here will be whether one really wants this again. that is whether one really does want another Blair. If cameron can make us forget balir, me will do well, otherwise slip as he might, he will be pinned to a car. 
 Alternatively in the Cd liver department, Brown needs to try to make us forget so much of what he has done in the last ten years of so (so much of what he promised was so Cod). He need as then to slip himself into being good for us, and not simply disgusting.
 A battle of oily memory, of slipping out of the consequences of ones own actions.
What  a choice...

for more of the same go to

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