Thursday, 21 February 2008

Belt up!!!

Oh what fun it is to know what a 57 year old fat workaholic prime minister does on his birthday.
 I mean full marks for snide - minus several million for relevance or interest.
If one needs a report of prime minster's question (which bores me rigid - I can see that stuff in any student debating hall, at it was pathetic there too). 
But why give us the full break down?
 I do not need to like Brown to think he is a good or bad  prime minster. The fact I loath Cameron does not (I hope bias me) too much - although I think his policies are also crap. I wish however to make political judgments as 'otherwise ' as possible from personal judgments. This is rather difficult. It is surely the job of the media to help. Which is why for my money a report like this should be a hanging offence.


for more of the same go

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