Friday, 22 February 2008

Put some clothes one!!!

Perhaps we need a weekly contest, for the best moment of media hypocracy in the course of a week/
My favourite undoubtly was that wonderful moment when the media criticised the politicians for running with stories which were designed to appeal to the poor innocent journalist, and make good cover stories , rather than be real viable policy.
as if that was not what the media wanted.
As if they allowed anything else but this
As if they were naive fools.
Hang on the last one might be right- but the joke was a good one none the less.

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A very modern mob

It is one of the oddities of modern mob justice, for such justice is sill the norm, that we no longer hang principles but rather we hang rights. Two grizzly murders of young omen by two different mad shits, and the call goes up - bring back the death penalty, or let is have a DNA register. Hang people, hang rights, Hang on - this is no way to govern a country. Actually perhaps i am Naive here. perhaps it is the only way a country is ever governed....
Oh well back to the drawing board.


Thursday, 21 February 2008

Another Shut up moment!

Sorry to be cantankerous, but the cancer of the fantasy poltics which is currently being wadged in the name of an immigration policy is reach Jihad proportion.
GET THIS INTO YOUR THINK HEADS: THERE IS NO PR~OBLEM WITH MIGRATION, little problem with assymleration, and very is OKAY. No one is going to come here are steal our hard stolen money.
So shut up and go away!!!

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Belt up!!!

Oh what fun it is to know what a 57 year old fat workaholic prime minister does on his birthday.
 I mean full marks for snide - minus several million for relevance or interest.
If one needs a report of prime minster's question (which bores me rigid - I can see that stuff in any student debating hall, at it was pathetic there too). 
But why give us the full break down?
 I do not need to like Brown to think he is a good or bad  prime minster. The fact I loath Cameron does not (I hope bias me) too much - although I think his policies are also crap. I wish however to make political judgments as 'otherwise ' as possible from personal judgments. This is rather difficult. It is surely the job of the media to help. Which is why for my money a report like this should be a hanging offence.


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Friday, 15 February 2008

Baby oil politics

Why have believes when being slippery is as good as a policy?
 A good question. Baby oil-Cameron is clearly a good substitute for the far more stodgy, but actually good for you Cod Liver oil-Brown.
Or a least it would be is it brand had not been tried before...
 The next election will eventually come down to a battle of memory, as much as oil. On the one hand is the world of baby oil. A world were slippery customers slip out of policies. The choice here will be whether one really wants this again. that is whether one really does want another Blair. If cameron can make us forget balir, me will do well, otherwise slip as he might, he will be pinned to a car. 
 Alternatively in the Cd liver department, Brown needs to try to make us forget so much of what he has done in the last ten years of so (so much of what he promised was so Cod). He need as then to slip himself into being good for us, and not simply disgusting.
 A battle of oily memory, of slipping out of the consequences of ones own actions.
What  a choice...

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Sunday, 10 February 2008

Codexes of imbicility

There is surely some thing malevolent in the way that the BBC at least uses opinion polls. they use them as if they mean something. Not necessarily awful if daft, and yet it has one strangely horrid consequence. Ask people what they think on the street, and they will of course produce not only a rat of contraction, but also the first element that comes into their mind. i mean how many of us run after the pollster shouting I have changed by mind?
The problem is of course that the first thing that comes into ones mind, in most cases is the least sensible 'default position' of ones thought. these position has a character all of their our. they are often more angry than the normal mind, and more right-wing, by nature intolerant. all of which is dandy (and inevitable) the problem comes when they are pedalled as truth. A truth known of us share even if we would tell it to a pollster), a truth that then is taken as gospel and warps everything.

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Saturday, 9 February 2008

Still hen pecked

I suppose one might put the sate of British politics down to the effect of hilarious custom.
I mean it was Browns fate for ten years to be hen pecked by a smart alec fool, who was less able at governing that him, but better at the drama of power. We all got used to these roles (and Blair of course played up to his part with aplomb). Brown then became prime minster, only to discover that while he could govern with a certain macabre efficiently enough he was utterly hopeless at the drama of power (no drama queen he).We then looked to others to play the senior role; and of course found them in Cameron and Clegg. there to god-brother of the awful, and devil sons of Blair, are drama queens par excellence.
  The effect is that Brown has swapped being the henpecked spouse of Blair (who was at least in his own party) for being the harrassed and hen pecked helpmeet of the leader of the oppostion.
More fool him!

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Friday, 8 February 2008

Just shut up!!!

Trouble of course with the media is they cannot read.
the trouble with most of the population is hat just read the media.: a case here of the idoitic reading the illerate.
Trouble with us liberals is that we like debate. We like thinking.
Trouble with thought is that us liberals know everyone should do it - it is just a question of making sure people start.
Trouble with media is that thought does not sell stories. Why read an article when you can spin off a predjudice -burning witches or liberals always did sell paper!

Which is why I suppose one would not want to be the arcj bishop at the moment (inspite of the fact is is right!)

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