Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Game of pictures and Language

It goes without saying that politics is not about issues any more so much as langauge. A party knows it is on to a good thing when the daft catch phrases it uses (say Britian is Broken) become the nation by lines - and so it becomes impossible to talk anything other than the langauge of that party (currently Tory).
this is the pojnt where all serious commentary on that parties daft or malevolent policies break down ( i have lost count of the number of schemes the Tories are running to redistribute wealth back from poorest to richest in society); as one can no more critique the masters of one language, than critique the Queens minted english.
it is also at this pojnt of course that the other dimension also plays in. You know that myth that mistakes youth, and smarm for charisma and mysterously turn a forty something man with a receeding hair line and a face like a Babies bum into a hansom family man - whose face to replicated across the internet - and so it enters into every where....
Or to put it another way politics is no more about government it is rather the science and art of dream invasion. When a part manages like any other virus to spread everywhere it wins, irrespective of its policies.
Oh God - I wish their as a vaccine against tory though.

for more of the same go to

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