Wednesday, 26 March 2008

fantasy merchant

Poor old Hilary - she forgot in he desire to be in the fist lady who became president movie, that the movie makers of current political life are firmly the news agencies. they make a fantasy (Obama is a fantasy candidate, and the only real question is about whether one supports him or not is whether that fantasy is allowed to remain past november). but they also make the expose of all fanatises (save their own). The game of a politician is therefore to always ensure that one is in a sequence of 'films' (that is of fanatisies) that sup;port ones over all career (one needs not to be type casts, and need the right smatter of likeable villians as well as heros, one also needs cameos) Poor of hilary main probe is that she does so want to direct her own movie, an 'arrogance' which will in all likelihood cost here the candiacy..

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