Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Pass the popcorn!

It is one of the strange features of elections, particularly other peoples elections, that they bring out the 'entertainment side' of democracy well (at least to junkies like me) . We watch them as if they were sporting competitions or soap operas. We have our 'runners and riders' and have of favorites,  which we are attached to, for really no very good reason at all. We merely feel we ought to show preference. This is all good fun of course when the election is not your own (and so you can do nothing other than this), trouble comes when this runner and riders approach becomes the only way to think about democracy, we really ought to be about something other than passing the popcorn....

for more of the same go

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Particulalrly true when I found myself smiling for Hilary!
