Tuesday, 22 January 2008

The deep problem with Liberalism

Well  Marx said as much
 He always thought liberalism was hot air. A system of platitudes and nonsense, devoid of content or meaning. A nice set of after dinner speeches and easy attitudes. The lastestt survey of liberal values reveals this fact starkly. We might all be now professing liberal values (well like religion that is cheap), and yet when push  comes to shove behave the same as we always did (men do not d the housework, and we all use cars).
 Moreover we all when push comes to shove and w are faced with poverty and hoplessness ( the liberal values are very neatly pushed aside, and the old horrors of intolerance are once again to the fore.
 What price liberalism then?
 Some poor fluffy bunny might at this point say at least we are talking right. To which the cynical Marx would add that they 'talked right'  about poverty for almost all of human history : There has been therefore incessant talk about helping the poor, and the folly of wealth : But that was all we do. And when the society actually motivated itself to act, through the miasma of religion or imperalism, it has seldom been in the interest of a collective good (think crusades or empire here - but also note the creation of the drains).
 As ever then we remain fill of hot air and easy chat, but seldom want to take the consequences of these fine words is the hurt us in anyway at all: this is of course the deep secret of the strength of the Tory party...

For more of the same go 


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