Thursday, 29 November 2007

Wasting police time.

Given the current folly of UK opposition parties in calling for yet another police investiation  into Labour party here, i am left thinking that we really ought to invent a new 'crime' of waisting police time. Perhaps the crime could be defined as:  invoking the name of the police and a police investigation, in the hope that there is an investigation (and therefore a scandal can be allowed to wander on for weeks); and in the knowledge that if no investigation is held, one can call cry cover up; and to do so when  evidence suggests that the 'crime' committed is little more than very routine criminality, akin more to speeding than anything more sinister.
The real problem of course is that without such a crime, one is likely to have endless 'revenge' actions (which of course this itself is), as each party endelssly cry sleaze' at the others innocent (if idiotic) corrutions - and make the country quite ungovernable in the process.

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