Wednesday, 14 November 2007

It still has bells on it!

Well it had to happen!
 If the Great Snake Kaa claimed to have been mistaken for a plumber by a model, then the Labour Equivalent, the little Mole Miliband , (a Man trapped in the magnitude of his office) clearly must do the same.  Like a monty Python Yorkshire man, Moley no doubt dreams of being mistaken for a plumber by a model; all that happens to him is that is thought to be an electrician by a child. The Guzzzzump is almost tangible! None of your models, none of you plumbers (with their connotations of leaky pipes), the Mole is mistaken doing his (stage managed) duty by that perpetual (if non voting) presence in political life ' A child'.
 Presumably the other would be star of this Triumvirate of over blown talent, ' Nick' Clegg, will claim in the course of the week to have dreamed of being mistaken for plumber by a model or an electrician by a child,and 'claim' to have been mistaken for a nurse by an M-difficil virus (or some such equivalent!)

For more of the same go here


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