Friday 14 March 2008

Listing lusts

So Mp's have to have a second home and state pay. in a sense this is fair enough (as long as the state itself keeps an interest in the property - Like gets to keep what is spent the money on after the Mp leaves parliament: we would render Mp's homless and out of a job, in one more- which might keep them keen - But tht is all really another point).
 that is it is fair enough that the sate gives some help given that the affairs of sate impose long hours and demand proximity to London. it is at least as fair as the expense account of the best paid celebrity journalists (who would not stop to John Lewis). 
Perhaps the real 'sin' lies in the very nature of democracy. That is every Mp, all 650 or so of them must have the same right (unlike the very few over rewarded journalists). from which it follow their expense list is fixed by a department store's prices. and also the over all cost of all them having such a right is rather high. Far higher than say the exorbitant costs the relatively few well paid journo's and business classes can claim.
The result is that the Mp's are available for ridicule in both direction. they at once have expenses on the 'cheap' (by department store), but also excite envy in having them at all (and charging us all for them). 
 in short it makes a prefect media story (and takes all pressure of their own expense accounts). the more serious problem for the rest of us though is how else does one democractise therather  necessary perks of a job ( I suppose we cold pay Mp's more or not at all...)?

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