Wednesday, 2 July 2008

History spits rather than reapeats

strange isn't it that the last few weeks saw three things. firstly the assumption that there would (given the price of fuel) be another fuel blockade.
Secondly that this very expectation meant the blockade when is duelly came was ineffective and unproductive. History does not repeat.
Except of course it does - as fuel shortages did duly come but not because prices were bankrupting hauliers but because they were making tanker drivers greedy!
History did then repeated but for another different reason.Or perhaps better it repeated only by splitting motives form effect. the same thing was attempted for the same reason (but failed) the same result was actually effected (but for quite the opposite reason).
History repeats but t never the same way - tragedy creates joke, and jokes spark other ways to weave the tragic...

for more of the same go

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