Wednesday, 14 May 2008


It is always the moment one knows a government is on the way out, when even its supporters cease really to care about voting to it. Phrases like last straw, and made me realize, drip of the media, and with them call time on Gordon Brown. problem is of course we have lived with his desire for the top job so long that not only are we rather borred by him, but also his very all too obvious ruthless desire for the job for so many years gave us a weird expectation of what he would do. I mean would he live up to his own billing, and Prove that he was the lost mesiah of the Labour party (the man who it was worth sacrificing the careers of numerous other big labour beasts for - I mean Ried or Clarke)? Or was he a silly little man with an over blown ego, and a large grudge which he mistook for ability?
The problem for Brown was that the second answer was always the more likely one, as Lost Mesiahs ares so hard to be in the flesh (and so easy to stage in the fantasy),and rather readily become olly Hary.
the Probem for the Country is that is our desire to reject the Sat and Laurel of the Labour party, we will end up woht that arch insinuator, and all round twerp Cameron (perhaps a Harold Lloyd figirue?)

for more of the same go

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