Sunday, 9 December 2007

Whispering Pomposity

That is really what the problem is. We are all used to the problem of chinese whispers and the rumour mill. We all know a truth based on what they said to them about those, who had it from 'thingy' is at best the worst and most dubious of possible 'truths'. 
 Problem of course is that are News coverage is now simply the media playing a version of elaborate whisperings. And yet here on needs to get the problem. The problem is not that this is so. In a sense of course it is so (and most news has always been this). What however appears different is firstly that any pretense that anything else is possible has long since slipped by the wayside. This by itself would perhaps not be that significant, as the news would simply devolve into farce. It is the second point that is the killer. The Media has not dropped its 'truth claim'. On the contrary as the truth become more and more the game of a whispering campaign,the urgency and even more the pomposity by which that truth is viewed by the media has become more and more extreme. With the result that anyone doubting the elaborate 'factions (their world) of he media, is attacked without mercy.
Now that is the killer...

For more of the same go to 


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