Wednesday 14 May 2008

Brief notes of media debating styles.

1). Splicing: the rules for splicing are simple enough.
a) wait until one political opponents slip up big time. Warning you will need to wait to the critical momement when the media frenzy help to itself has reached fever pitch. Hint as a rule of thumb if the story does not run without your help in the first place, never attempt t splice it. Many a good splice is ruined by jumping onto the bandwagon too early. You Will need large complex stories to achieve splicing bliss.
b)  the look for other sequence of event to claim is like this story. There is a real art to this move. One needs o choose these event carefully. one needs a degree of disgruntlement with these over event, and yet not too much. The disgruntlement will mean that your plublic will want to dislike the policy, and your aim is to allow that distain to be expressed 
c) one then produces speeches attempting to link the to stories. here one must simply assume they are linked, describe in the same way (and not attempt any reasoned argument).Tthe aim is to woo people into expressing their loathing for one though there distain for the other. There need not be a direct link therefore, merely a president.
d) Once the link is make prod the issue once or twice to stoke up the fire a little, and then move on. never linger around the blaze you have caused in case it engulf (or illumines) you. So once light run like hell, onto the next one!
e) enjoy yourself! this siam  game so keep relishing it. To attempt to  play this with a Po face is to court disaster.

2) The Game of Mee Too. Another political classic. A game of two Halfs. One must claim to see a  Mee too in the policy of others while "mee tooing" their policies yourself.
a) the cardinal rules of this game is not to start too dam early. never game a Mee Too, unless your political opponent as all too obviously borrowed one policy from you, the more publically the better.
b) You must therefore listen to what the other lot are saying rather carefully. they must look shifty  when they deny the Mee Too, 
c) however once One Mee Too is established the flood gates are open. the rules change utterly the game is now to claim other Policies are a Mee Too.
 Here two moves are advised. the simplest, for beginner involves a list. Here the aim is simply to sound as if the other  claims are true (they need not be). the Mee Too will if done with proper panache, communicate a reality beyond the boring world of facts!
d) An alternative strategy is to explore your opponents Meet Too is a more detailed manner. Seeking to exploit the differences between you, while allowing the too of your are rather similar.
 On the alternative side, if you a genuinely  practicing the gentle art of Mee too,and what to get away with it, you will need these two additional rules.
e) Remember the best defence strategy in the game is to allow your opponents Mee Too may be true (never admit it, merely imply, without saying the argument has been in common currency for a while), but claim your version of it is better. You gain  the political benefit then and negate the Mee Too, For primacy will not necessarily beat competency.
f) do note however you must be careful before allowing yourself this last move. If the policy was pants in the first place, better to let it be forgotten than to take it yourself. You will be blamed if it fails, and no one will remember the policy was not yours in the first place!

g) Do not be tempted to actually Mee Too o often (or to claim it in others too often), there is a real art in the timing of the Mee.

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